The method of cooking is a very important issue in nutrition, because any attempt to improve the quality of food may be jeopardized by improper preparation, especially the method of cooking, and as a result may reduce or lose micronutrients (Vitamins, etc.).
Since ancient times, many researchers have described the different methods of cooking and their effects. The best of them both improves the taste of the food and makes it more nutritious. Others, although are valuable because of their effect on the taste or appearance of the food, should be used occasionally but not always.
An overview of cooking methods ... Get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of nutrition and health.
Biochemical effects of cooking
As stated by Jean Seignalet, cooking disrupts the molecules in food and forms complex substances that are not found in nature and are not detected by our enzymes.
Sugar and protein
During cooking, a bond is formed between sugars and proteins that caramelizes the food so that it cannot easily pass through the intestinal wall and be absorbed by the body. (Therefore brown products are not recommended).
Fats form toxic substances above a certain temperature. That is why it is necessary when cooking with oils from a temperature of: 130° C for butter. 140° C for margarine; Do not exceed 140-160° C for sunflower and sesame oil and safflower oil and 210° C for olive and peanut oil (only for cooking).
The important thing is to never let the oil smoke!
Vitamins and minerals
The longer and higher the cooking temperature, the more complete the destruction.
50° C = degradation of part of the enzyme components
60° C = loss of vitamin C.
100° C = deposition of mineral salts that prevent their absorption.
110° C = loss of all vitamins
Recommended cooking methods
Gentle steaming (baking at about 90 degrees Celsius). Steaming is a gentle method that does not stress the food too much, allowing it to retain its nutritional, organoleptic (softness, fondant, crispness, color) and aromatic properties. This is the best way to preserve vitamins and minerals. Optimal cooking method!
Bake in a pot (bake less than 95 degrees Celsius). This method of slow cooking at low temperatures with the lid closed and does not require oil. The taste of cooked food is excellent and the food juice is rich in aromatic components and minerals. The advantage of this method is the preservation of minerals and taste of food and that this model of food is easily digested and absorbed. Foods used for this cooking method (freshly watered vegetables and fruits, meat and fish) should have a high water content because they are cooked in their own water.
In a low temperature oven (100-120° C). The temperature should not exceed 150° C. It is also used for long-term cooking at a temperature of about 90° C for meat, fish, vegetables, etc. while maintaining proper nutritional value. Food wrapped in parchment paper is also a good way to do this (do not use aluminum foil).
Boiling in boiling water at 95° C or 100° C; Slightly reduces minerals and vitamins. Useful for cereals, soak cereals overnight in water, and cereals for faster cooking time (make sure all the water is absorbed before the end of cooking to preserve all the minerals).